Agency displayed using war and believe gizzard activity in achieving a specific goal, and the last purpose shown by figures eradicate evil creatures in order to save the oppressed and restore peace to the kingdom of owls are great Ga’Hoole tree. Kegiatan komunikasi intrapersonal dan interpersonal merupakan kegiatan sehari-hari yang paling banyak dilakukan oleh manusia sebagai mahluk sosial.
An entertainment-education drama is expected to trigger. Agent illustrated with heroic character, never give up, willing to sacrifice, to protect the weak and defend the truth which is represented through the character Soren, Digger, Twillight, Gylfie and the Guardians. Contoh komunikasi silang budaya ialah interaksi pelajar Arfika dengan. Scene is indicated by the use low key lighting concept to give the impression of dramatic, suspenseful and gripping the battle scenes in the movie. The results showed that the representation of the heroism value in the Legend Of The Guardians: The Owls Of Ga’Hoole movie indicated by drawing the five elements pentad consist of, act always includes scenes battle to save his kingdom. The research aims to analyze representation of heroism value in the Legend Of The Guardians: The Owls Of Ga’hoole movie by using dramatism theory as the main theory and pentad analysis as a method.